Sunday, March 27, 2011

Anna 4:11 (aside from being biblical, it's attempt 4, day 11)

Today is Day 11. On a 28 day cycle (I’ve been lucky to have a regular cycle for years), you’re supposed to test for the LH Surge on Day 12 as that’s when the surge is more than likely to happen. It lasts 36 hours so finishes on the Day 14 – the day I’m most likely to ovulate on a 28 day cycle.


Sorry if you’re lost. Just post a comment telling me I’d never make it as a teacher, and I’ll try and explain better.

So anyway, just in case I decide to ovulate early this cycle, I tested for the surge today. No surge. Should surge tomorrow. Will be confused if I don’t surge because last month, which happened to be the first month I tested for LH, I surged on Day 12. I was very excited. After having a GP telling me to go straight to IVF, and a gyno telling hubby and I to hurry the hell up and try to get pregnant (not in those exact words), and that one of my fallopian tubes might be blocked, it was so great to see the pinks lines match.

But back to today. It’s only day 11, so let’s hope the pinkness happens tomorrow.
You want me to back up a bit eh? Yeah, the possible blocked tube. When the gyno operated on me, he said that there is some scarring on the outside of my liver which he suspects could have been due to some kind of STD infection I once suffered from but never had treated. Don’t ever remember every being diagnosed with an STD but then again, he thinks I never even knew I had it so no…. apparently we were all in the dark on that one!

So, as a result of the infection, he said there may also be some scarring inside the tubes which could have blocked them. However, he also concludes that my tubes look healthy and patent from the outside, and it’s too invasive to check if the insides are blocked so basically, just try anyway and hope to God I conceive.

My uterus is normal, and I know for sure my right ovary is healthy, so here’s hoping…..


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