Monday, April 4, 2011

The Waiting Period

This is the period of your er... period... that baby books describe as the most anxious time of the month for women trying to conceive. The two weeks they have to wait for them to get their period, or see that second pink little line they daydream about.

It’s not like you can just go on with your life and pretend not to think about it. It’s always there. "How long do i have until my next period?". "how many days are left before I can do an early pregnancy test"?

For couples who don’t have to hear the tick of the biological clock, having unprotected sex, with the attitude of, ‘if it happens, it happens’, this is definitely not THAT situation.

I have a clock, its ticking louder, so this is the longest two weeks of each month.

You want the clock to shut the hell up, but it won’t. Why? Because you so want to be a Mum. And you want to give a child to the Dad.

Not to mention the ‘study’ and effort that goes with trying to fall pregnant. Tri-monthly visits to the acupuncturist whose clinic is almost an hour away; a twice daily gagging session after drinking this god-awful Chinese magic fertility-improving powder; reading up on fertility; googling; researching; discussing with girlfriends; downing a million vitamins a day; buying baby magazines……

Ahhhh the list – or should I say, obsession – goes on.

And when you put that much effort into it, those two weeks go by awfullyyyyyyyyyyy slowlyyyyyyyyy.

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